

问:论文摘要英语翻译 高手请进!
  1. 答:[Abstract]: online teaching and learning activities for distance education to add a new dimension and vitality to the teaching activity-filled scene of the birth machine. However, in the learning process, there are many factors affecting the effectiveness of learner's learning. Its factors are mainly students, teachers, factors such as cultural factors. Analysis of these factors will enhance the study of distance education learners learning efficiency, thus the quality of distance education in our country have a positive impact.
    [Key words]: Distance Education in the effectiveness of distance learning students
  2. 答:[Abstract]: online teaching and learning activities for distance education to add a new dimension and vitality to the teaching activity-filled scene of the birth machine. However, in the learning process, there are many factors affecting the effectiveness of learner's learning. Its factors are mainly students, teachers, factors such as cultural factors.Analysis of these factors will enhance the study of distance education learners learning efficiency, thus the quality of distance education in our country have a positive impact.
    [Key words]: Distance Education in the effectiveness of distance learning students可怜哪....下回翻译找我吧...免费....
  3. 答:On-line long range education increased new contents and vitality for the teaching activity and made the teaching activity present the birth machine full of life prospects.
  1. 答:现代远程教育是随着现代信息技术的发展而产生的一种新型教育模式,是构筑知识经济时代人们终身学习体系的主要手段。 远程教育是指学生和教师、学生和教育机构之间主要采用多媒体手段进行系统教学和通信联系的教育形式。相对于传统的面授教育,远程教育由这样几个显著的特征:在整个学习期间,老师和学生可以在异地进行沟通;教育机构或组织通过学习材料和支持服务两方面对学生的学习施加影响;利用各种媒体技术联系师生并承载课程内容;提供双向通信交流;在整个学习期间,学生主要是作为个人在学习,在为了社交和教学目的情况下,才进行必要的会面。
  2. 答:远程教育,也称现代远程教育为网络教育,是成人教育学历中的一种。是指使用电视及互联网等传播媒体的教学模式,它突破了时空的界线,有别于传统的在校住宿的教学模式。使用这种教学模式的学生,通常是业余进修者。
  3. 答:就是不到学校上课,买配套教材自学,考试也是在网上。
  4. 答:远程教育的学习是这样的一个模式,学生可以透过电视广播、互联网、辅导专线、课研社、面授(函授)等多种不同管道互助学习。远程教育是学生与教师、学生与教育组织之间主要采取多种媒体方式进行系统教学和通信联系的教育形式,是将课程传送给校园外的一处或多处学生的教育。
问:中国农业大学网络教育学院 2011年课程考试 《传播与沟通》课程论文怎么写?
  1. 答:《传播与沟通》书上随便抄几段就行拉! 我就是这么写的...
