

问:给我们做关于计算机报告的 英语
  1. 答:1. who gave us the report puter 2. who works in this room 3. where we live 4. which I borrowed from Li Lei 5. that he lost yesterday 6. that/which I read last week 7. that/which my father bought me Happy New Year to you!
问:关于计算机方面的英语论文 急需!!!!1000字
  1. 答:内容提要:本文就机房管理中如何最大限度给学生提供个性化学习空间,如何更高效脊孝地管理机房计算机介绍了七种实用技术方法。
    关键词:硬盘拷贝、 硬盘还原、 拷贝、 多重引导、 虚樱卖稿拟光驱、终端服务、桌面共享
    摘 要: 机械制图与计算机辅助设计CAD整合式教学具有学用结合、提高教学效果及绘图效率、培养的人才适应配孝社会需要等优点。本文就机械制图与计算机辅助设计CAD两门课程整合的教学改革进行探讨和研究。……
    关键词: 机械制图、计算机辅助设计CAD、教学改革、二维绘图、三维绘图
  1. 答:.What do you think puter?
    Computer is very useful for us. The is a great facility for collecting information. The makes it easy to build social connections. we can have a lot of friends all over the world and reach much knowledge by . Millions of municate today through E-mail.
    But the disadvantages puter also have a lot. work information may be falsehood, so mach as leading to a wrong decision-making. May online socialization weaken our ability to deal with relationships in the real world? The weak-willed persons maybe work-game and amusement in thereby disrepair own career.
    The loveliness of is infinitude and colorful, but strengthen to manage it. We make good use of it only while we have an appropriate approach to .
